Meetings: First Monday at 10:30 AM in the Parlor of the Parish Hall
(No meetings in January, June or July)
To support their many tasks at Sacred Heart the Altar Society has several fundraisers during the year. These include the Fall Bazaar and Stew Dinner, the Annual Spring Garage Sale and the December Bake Sale.
The money raised is used to provide the following supplies for the church:
- All candles for church services
- All the altar breads (hosts)
- Refurbishment of chalices
- Altar vestments and altar cloths
- Palms for Palm Sunday
- Rosaries for RCIA, 1st Communicants (and the misions)
- Baptismal stoles for all children and adults
- Shares expenses with the Catholic Daughters for Bereavement Dinners for familes of deceased members of the church
- Linens for the rectory
- Sick call sets for the clergy
- Christmas Gifts for patients at the State Hospital
- Stockings for disadvantaged children (through the Salvation Army)
- Meals at the Catholic Campud Center several times each year
- Underwrite to non-profit Religious Articles shop so parishioners can purchase religious items at a reasonable cost
The services provided to the parish by the Altar Society include:
- Weekly cleaning of the sanctuary
- Annual preparation of the church for the Easter Season
- Bereavement Dinners for families of deceased members of the parish
- Operate the Religious Articles/Gift Shop